Message sent by Gavin Rowles Rowles
Next Zoom meetingby Gavin Rowles Rowles Hello all.
The next Zoom meeting has been arranged for 8pm on Tuesday 2nd March. I hope we can discuss the following:- 1.You and your Spridgley car(s). 2. How and where we can meet for at Covid secure location once lockdown is eased. I am going to guess numbers will be limited and it will be outdoors. So please can you put your thinking caps on for suitable car parks in Surrey or other locations which might suit us. I hope to see you on the Zoom on the 2nd. As before, the codes will be forwarded after 7.30pm for security purposes. Regards Gavin Rowles Area Rep.
Reply to Gavin Rowles Rowles | Feb 12,2021 |