Message sent by Graham Kirkup
AREA MEETING THURSDAY APRIL 11 2019 – WHITE SWAN CONINGTONby Graham Kirkup Hi area members,
just a note that there is a meeting as above starting at usual time of 8pm, and a welcome in particular to new members. Thanks to Chris Flinders we have done a recce of the Jordan’s Mill run to be held on Easter Saturday April 20 starting at Morrison’s car park 10:30, and members are to pre book the midday meal in response to his email, noting we intend to eat after the run, at The White Swan. The fun run on Sunday April 28th from Melbourne Village College at 11:00 noting there will be toilet and vending machines available at the sports centre behind the main block. A nominal £5/car donation to Cherry homes Trust is required. Please contact me if you are interested 01223 511835 or for further details, we will use a tulip diagram passing thru’ Thaxted on to Finchinfield stopping at leisure to view places of interest en route.if not familiar with tulip diagram then some can go in convoy, Hoping to catch up with you at these events. Graham Kirkup
Reply to Graham Kirkup | Apr 09,2019 |