Message sent by Graham Kirkup
CAMBRIDGESHIRE AREA MEETING – FEB 14 2019by Graham Kirkup Hi all Cambridgeshire area members,
I have just circulated a note to our local members about our next area meeting at 8pm on Thursday 14 Feb at our new venue The White Swan Elsworth Rd Connington Cambs CB23 4LN. Having only this evening found the facility to circulate info to all members in our region I am loathe to re type that email again,(also I am not proficient enough to attach it here) save to say that it is mostly about ideas for forthcoming events. Realising that many of you live at the extremes of our meeting point I would not expect all to turn up, but you are most welcome and hopefully we may meet up at some national or mutual event venue. Best Regards Graham Kirkup (area rep) frogeye TVS 664
Reply to Graham Kirkup | Feb 04,2019 |