Message sent by Terry Horler

Message from Midget and Sprite Club


by Terry Horler

Hello Fellow Mascavites,

Hope you are all keeping well and safe. With little sign of the Weather or Lockdown lifting, I am having a clear out. To go, subject to sensible offers of course, the following space taking items –

1275 engine from a round arch Midget. Stripped for a rebuild

Gearbox from above, requiring a strip for a rebuild.

Windscreen in frame, 1964 onwards.

Soft top header rail.

Frogeye H1 carbs on manifold.

Frogeye front bumper with mounting brackets

All sorts of other bits.

Offers please to Terry  –

All of the above located in Yate, buyer collects.

Something to tinker with whilst we wait for better days.






Reply to Terry Horler | Feb 03,2021 |
