Message sent by Terry Horler
MASC BRISTOLby Terry Horler Hello fellow Mascavites,
A slightly belated happy new year to you all, despite all the unhappy things surrounding us at the moment. Firstly, I do hope that you are all well and have managed to enjoy Christmas and the new year as best and as safely as you can in these extraordinary times. Secondly, the news from MASC BRISTOL, OK, there is none. I offer no false hopes of what or when we may be able resume our activities, rest assured, when that does happen, you will soon hear about it. On a good note, I did drive past the Wishing Well just prior of Lockdown 3, its still there and not boarded up. Masc Bristol HQ has now relocated to the bunker for the duration. Tin hat, thick rubber gloves, two pairs of socks and Jubilee clips around sleeves and trouser legs, I am taking no chances. The walls are thickly insulated with toilet rolls, tins of baked beans and bags of rice. I am quietly confident that I will drive a Sprite again. In the meantime, you can still get in touch with me via the usual channels (see Mascot contacts page). Stay safe, follow the advice, roll your sleeve up when called, we shall once again leave our mark wherever we may drive, or park up, in our Spridgley things. Terry
Reply to Terry Horler | Jan 06,2021 |