Regional – Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire meeting

We are a fairly new group having now been in existence as an area for just over 2 years. Currently we have 19 members on our list with a regular core of 5-7 meeting monthly.

If you are thinking of joining our area please feel welcome to come meet us at any of our Area’s Club Nights. They are a great source of information and advice if you need it – plus the odd spare part information.

Ours is a family friendly club so please don’t leave your other halves at home, there are usually plenty of us to talk of things other than cars. We look forward to seeing you soon. We occasionally organise outings and other events.

We meet monthly on the 1st Wednesday at 8.00pm. Venue The Black Horse, Gozzards Ford (Near Abingdon)
OX13 6JH.

This pub is on the original test circuit for all MG & Austin Healey cars built in Abingdon, so your car will probably find it’s own way there!!

Grahame Gibbins area rep –

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Area messages
