Merry Christmas

Message sent by Richard Wharmby

Message from Midget and Sprite Club

Merry Christmas

by Richard Wharmby

Good afternoon all,

After a tough 2020 for activities in our club lets hope we can plan for a better 2021. The club has its Midget 60 party in June and with some luck we might be able to start our monthly meets again next year.

If any members have any Midget / Sprite related write up’s, pictures or articles for our area page in Mascot, then please drop the details to me on an email.

I am also looking to do member of the month where i will sort a few questions for members to answer and put them into our Mascot page.

It just leaves me to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Stay Safe


Reply to Richard Wharmby | Dec 20,2020 |
